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In workgoing with me you automatically agree to my terms of services. Take the time to read them, because I can refuse an order and/or blacklist you if you do not respect my conditions.​

- Need a commission for commercial use? Contact me by email ! We can discuss about your request and my prices.


As a customer:

- You cannot use my work for commercial purposes without prior agreement.

- You will credit my work if you post it online.

- You will receive a low resolution version to post the commission online.

- You can use the commission for personal purposes like : profile picture, phone or computer wallpaper, a personal print.

- You do not have the right to modify the commission without my permission.

- You do not have the right to sell the commission in NFT nor to modify it with AI.


As an artist:

- I reserve the right to stream the process, post the commission on a social network, on my website, or as a commission example (please specify at the beginning if you do not agree, or if you want to make a surprise to someone).

- I will credit you for the ownership of the character if so.

- I reserve the right to refuse an order if the theme does not suit me (I do not draw NSFW).

- My watermark will always be on my work. You do not have the right to remove it.




- You will receive my reply (positive or negative), as well as the details to confirm your commission.

- If your character or request is very detailed, an increase in the price will be requested.

- Please send your character reference sheet or clear images (no NSFW images, no AI generated images please).

- Please be brief and concise ! Do not hesitate to do small sketches if you do not find what you want on internet.

- Once your request has been accepted, you will receive an invoice. 



- I only accept EUROS.

- Prices are not negotiable.

- I am not responsible if any problem occurs during the payment.

- Payment is made in full before I start working. No exceptions unless previously discussed.

- Payment can be made via bank transfer if you have a French account only.

- Do not send me payment until I have accepted, confirmed your order and requested said payment.

- If you do not pay the said invoice after a certain time, the order will be cancelled.



- I have the right to cancel and refund your commission at any time (for personal problem or other reasons).

- You do not have the right to cancel the commission or request a refund once the transaction has been made.



- You will receive WIPs of your order. You have the right to request modifications (large changes will result in additional payment).

- The order can take a few days to several weeks depending on the complexity of your commission (this time can be extended due to health, personal problems, etc.)

- If you have an urgent request, additional payment will be requested.

- Once the work is finished, you will receive a low resolution file as well as the original file




En cas de litige entre le Client et l’entreprise, ceux-ci s’efforceront de le résoudre à l’amiable (le Client adressera une réclamation écrite auprès du professionnel ou, le cas échéant, auprès du Service Relations Clientèle du professionnel). A défaut d’accord amiable ou en l’absence de réponse du professionnel dans un délai raisonnable d’un (1) mois, le Client consommateur au sens de l’article L.133-4 du code de la consommation a la possibilité de saisir gratuitement, si un désaccord subsiste, le médiateur compétent inscrit sur la liste des médiateurs établie par la Commission d’évaluation et de contrôle de la médiation de la consommation en application de l’article L.615-1 du code de la consommation, à savoir : - La Société Médiation Professionnelle - - 24 rue Albert de Mun 33000 Bordeaux



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